From: drdish@cuci.nl (Dr.Dish)
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 16:31:31 +0200
From owner-sat-drdish@tags1.dn.net Mon Jul 1 10: 31:49 1996
>Dear Dr. Dish, I purchased a 10 ft. dish while living on the mainland
>but since have relocated to the Hawaiian Islands. My question is will I
>still recieve signals. I dont know where to point it or if Ill recieve
>the same satellite feeds. Can you shed any light on this for me?
Theoretical you dish sees all satellites from 177°west to 180° East. This
quite a lot. If you have a polarmount, here are some data (calculated for Hilo):
Magnetic variation: 10.2°E
Modified polar elevation: 69.82°
Modified apex elevation: 66.86°
Modified polar axis: 20.18°
Modified apex declination: 23.14°
Modified declination offset: 2.95°
Here are some satellites:
Satcom C1 at 137°W: 32 dBW C-Band
Satcom C4 at 135°W: 32 dBW C-Band
Galaxy 5 at 125° W: 32 dBW C-Band
Galaxy 4 at 99°W: 32 dBW C-Band
Telstar 401 at 97°W: 33dBW C-Band/42dBW Ku-Band
Galaxy 3R at 95°W: 32 dBW C-Band
Telstar 402R at 89°W: 33dBW C-Band/42dBW Ku-Band
PAS-2 at 169°E: 29 dBW C-band
This list is only an example. There many more satellite receivable on
Hawaii. Have a look into TELE-satellite magazine 7/8-96 for the worldwide
channellist or just look to the homepage of satco-dx (link via
Dr.Dish (Christian Mass)
drdish@tv - the first european satellite info channel
live via DFS-II (28.5°E)
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