c/ku-band difference
From: drdish@cuci.nl (Dr.Dish)
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 13:30:01 +0200
From owner-sat-drdish@tags1.dn.net Fri Jul 5 07: 37:29 1996
>Dear Sir,
>Would you please advise what's the difference of Ku abd C band. And
>what's the relation with the LNB.
>Best Regards,
>Eric 7/5
The c-Band covers the frequency-range between 3,6 and 4,2 GHz. The Ku-band
runs (in Europe) from 10,7 to 12,75 GHz. For each band you need a suitable
LNB and feed. DTH-transmmisons in Europe use the Ku-band, but also the
c-band is used by arabic countries, Africa and Russia. Much more you will
find the c-band in Asia and the Americas. But also here the Ku-band becomes
popular, because dishes are a lot smaller then c-band antennas.
Dr.Dish (Christian Mass)
drdish@tv - the first european satellite info channel
live via DFS-II (28.5°E)
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