
STAR TV in down under

Q: Moving to the northern part of Australia, my wife would like to receive
STAR-TV and I have no idea what to do. In TELE-satellite magazine I know it
is the PALAPA C2 satellite we would need, but that is all.
V + N. Lierman, Zuerich/Switzerland

Consulting our friends from SatFacts in New Zealand, SATCO-DX and searching
in own files here comes the answer:
You will need a 3m dish and the Pace DVS211-receiver. STAR-TV uses two
channels ( 3.500 GHz and 3.580 GHz, horizontal) on the PALAPA C2. The
parameters for the digital bouquet are 26.850 Msym/sec, QPSK, FEC: 7/8.
Dr.Dish (Christian Mass)
TELE-satellite magazine
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