From: "Dr.Dish" <drdish@cuci.nl>
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 1996 20:04:19 +0100
From owner-sat-drdish@tags1.dn.net Sat Nov 2 14: 10:26 1996
Hi Doc,
in a dutch satellite magazine P.v.Rossum published a test of the Nokia
MediaMaster. Trying to get something on c-band, he wrote:"...no success on
PAS-4 in c-band (for Africa), but it could the wrong bitrate or FEC..." The
same he writes about signals from the german DFS-satellite. I got the
feeling he tested somnething, which he doesnīt understand very well. My
question: can the original MediaMaster handle SCPC like the d-box and can
both handle c-band?
Lieke v.Doorn, Eindhoven/NL
The MediaMaster in his orginal version canīt work on scpc-signals, but
could, if someone does the nessesary software upgrade, like Df-1 did with
the d-boxes.Both units canīt handle c-band-signals. This has nothing to do
with FEC or bitrates, but with the inverted signal. Anyway the test this on
PAS-4 in Europe is the wrong way. If you try the d-box on DW-TV (via 1°
west) and change the LOF to 5.150 GHz, the unit will recognize DW-TV, but
canīt work with the inverted datastreams. If you could convert the signal
from a lower LOF up to 3.7-4.2 Ghz, the d-box would receive DW-TV.
(to R.B.: plse. get back Erik.N. for the tests!)
Dr.Dish (Christian Mass)
Editor of TELE-satellite magazine
Producer of drdish@tv, Europeīs first satellite info-channel
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