
Nokia Mediamaster in Italy

>... from a lot of friends in Italy.
>" Can you help me to access Rai International with Nokia Mediamaster 
>rel 1.51 (italian version) ?".
>Has Mediamaster a Sevice Menu like my d-box ?
>Salavatore F.

If you program first RAI International (11.464v, 4.237, 3/4) and then your
packages like Telepieu it should work fine. Otherwise try to change the
frequency in 1 MHz-steps up or down (like 11.460/1/2/3 and so on)
To open the service menu:
RADIO 99 RADIO MENU on the orig. Nokia Remote Control
if you got a NOKIA-Sofware, but a d-box Remote Control use:
Be carefull inside the service menu!

Dr.Dish (Christian Mass)
Editor of TELE-satellite magazine
Producer of drdish@tv, Europe´s first satellite info-channel

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