
SAT Observations 97.03.27

A news release from Cairo, Egypt, located at 30.3 North - 31.15 East,
sponsored by tele-SATELLIT INTERNATIONAL, SATCO-DX and TBS Internet.
- Satellite and Transponder Observations in C- and Ku-Band,
- Commented from the Middle Eastern perspective.
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Upon your request are forwarded messages kept anonymous.

- RDV back
- MCM scrambling tests
- Bits & Pieces

EXPRESS 6, 80 East, http://www.satcodx.com/e6.html
No sign of a return of NTV on the Ku-band frequency 11.525 GHz, Rc.
Actually I assume still the use of the inclined Gorizont 24 for this
transmission as I receive only around midnight CET a decent picture.
Reception from the Express 6 would mean a constant poor quality
reception in Cairo.

The broadcasts of returned TV3 did continue today on 4.125 GHz, Rc.

INTELSAT 703, 57 East, http://www.satcodx.com/i703.html
The "ASTRO" service on 3.856 GHz, Rc, has a logo in the upper right
corrner of the screen, which I'm unable to read due to the poor
reception quality. Anybody out there able to report me the text, and
maybe give some more information on the nature of this transmissions?
Is it a promotional channel target to India or Gulf States?

Christian Lyngemark reports the availabiltiy of a Singaporian "Astro"
service, which offers a 22 channels package on the Measat 1 satellite.

GORIZONT 31, 40 East, http://www.satcodx.com/g31.html
Rendez Vous returned yesterday on the normal frequency 3.875 GHz, Rc,
after having technical difficulties for a few days. Sound was in the
clear on a subcarrier at 6.60 MHz.

HOT BIRD 1, 13 East, http://www.satcodx.com/hb1.html
MCM started last night testing the scrambling of the signal at various
times. Complete coding will start April 1st at 00:00 CET.

MCM-Africa, carrying during day-and night time most of the normal
MCM-Euromusique programming, is still un-scrambled available from
Intelsat 601, 27.5 West, 3.650 GHz, Rc. The used transponder however is
reserved to carry an announced future French MPEG-2 package "601 Club".

HOT BIRD 2, 13 East, http://www.satcodx.com/hb2.html
Polonia 1 on transponder 63, 11.977 GHz, H, returned to previous
observed mediocre superbeam quality, after beeing almost invisible

EUTELSAT II-f2, 10 East, http://www.satcodx.com/e2f2.html
Satisfaction Club TV was absent yesterday on 11.163 Ghz, H, due to
technical difficulties, as announced in an on-screen message.
Transmissions are supposed to be re-appear this night.

INTELSAT 707, 1 West, http://www.satcodx.com/i707.html
On transponder 111X-A, V, normally using frequency 10.967 GHz, was
during the early evening a colorbar test card with the text
"Israel-BZQ-5" switched on, where the frequency had changed to 10.974
GHz. The following "BEZEQ" sport feed used this frequency; then the
carrrier dissapeared and shortly thereafter the "EMEQ HAELA" colorbar
test card appeared, again using frequency 10.967 GHz.

At various times the carriers on transponder 111X-A, and transponder 73A
were dissappearing. At no time today a transmission of Israel Channel 2
could be seen on transmponder 73B, 11.176 GHz, V.

AMOS 1, 4 West, http://www.satcodx.com/amos1.html
Just for recapitulation the present basic transponder utilization

1L 10.968 GHz V Israel IBA 1
1U 11.015 GHz V Israel IBA 3
2U 11.105 GHz V Data
5L 11.552 GHz V Amos Test Card
5U 11.595 Ghz V Israel Channel 2

Incidental feeds could be observed today on transponder 2L, 11.052 Ghz,
V; transponder 3U, 11.176 GHz, V; and transponder 5L, 11.552 GHz, V
(test card "RAKEFET 2").

GORIZONT 26, 11 West, http://www.satcodx.com/g26.html
On 3.815 Ghz, Rc was, for a short period of time, a weak signal of NTV
Plus visible, clear in picture and sound. It was a duplicate of one of
the coded GALS 1 channels, and NOT identical to NTV transmissions on
Express 2, at 14 West. Prior to the transmision a test card  with a
subcarrier on 6.60 MHz, could be observed.

SAT-MidEast Intern
All Catholic readers I wish a Happy Easter, and a thoughtfull Good
Friday. Frohe Ostern, und ein friedvollen Karfreitag. Vrolijke Pasen.

The Coptic readers will have to wait until 28 April, before they can
celebrate Easter "Sham El Nessim". It's a long fasting period this year.

Best regards,

Henk C. Room / Sat-MidEast / Cairo - Egypt

SAT-MidEast maintains a homepage with all relevant Middle Eastern
satellite information, e.g. receivable satellites, their positions,
future satellites, foot print maps, latest news, broadcaster info's,
interesting Internet links, and a, satellite based, archive of all
messages released since the start of SAT-MidEast on November 5, 1996.

         SAT-MidEast: http://www.sat-net.com/sat-mideast/

- tele-SATELLIT INTERNATIONAL: http://www.TELE-satellit.com/
- SATCO-DX: http://www.satcodx.com/
- The Satellite Encyclopedia: http://www.tele-satellit.com/tse/

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