
Frequenzliste Hispasat 1 A+B, TV (19.11.96)

TAB-Frequenztabellen, gesponsert von Europa's Sat-Magazin TELE satellite 	
- Ihr regelmaessiger Up-date Service fuer die europaischen Satelliten	
- a regular chart up-date service for all satellites in Europe			
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you send a eMail to:   Stefan Hagedorn, DXStefan@aol.com

Frequency-list HISPASAT 1 A+B, 30 degrees W - TV -  (up-date 19/11/96)

Programm	Genre	Zeit	Sprache	Video	QRG	Audio	VT/RA
Tele Deporte	Sport	16-1h	span	PAL	12.149l	6,60	
Canal Classico	Filme	16-1h	span	PAL	12.225l	Stereo	RA
Cinemania 2(*)	Fime	24h	span	PAL	12.302l	6,60	
Telesat 5 	Unterh	13-22h	span	PAL	12.380l	6,60	
Antena3 Digital	diverse	24h	span	MPEG2	12.456l	digital	
Occasion. News	Feeds	sporad	mehrsp	variab	11.498H	6,60	
Occasion. News	Feeds	sporad	mehrsp	variab	11.539H	6,60	
Occasion. News	Feeds	sporad	mehrsp	PAL	12.592H	6,60	
Occasion. News	Feeds	sporad	mehrsp	PAL	12.632H	6,60	
Antena 3 TV(*)	Vollp	24h	span	PAL	12.673H	6,60	VT,RA
Canal + Esp.(*)	Vollp	24h	span	PAL	12.711H	6,60	RA
Occasion. News	Feeds	sporad	mehrsp	PAL	11.539V	6,60	
Occasion. News	Feeds	sporad	mehrs	PAL	11.668V	6,60	
Canal  Sur	Unterh	18-23.3	span	PAL	12.592V	6,60	RA
Tele 5 Esp. (*)	Vollp	24h	span	PAL	12.632V	6,60	VT,RA
TV3 Catalunya	Vollp	20-24h	span	PAL	12.673V	6,60	RA
Occasion. News	Feeds	sporad	mehrsp	PAL	12.673V	6,60	
Hispasat Feed	Feeds	sporad	mehrsp	PAL	12.711V	6,60	
*  codiert/scrambled,   zeitweise "clear windows" 				
VT   teletext							
RA   radio							

Meldungen, Informationen & Anmerkungen senden Sie an folgende Adresse: 
For suggestions, information and questions please send a eMail to 
DXStefan@aol.com or Stefan.Hagedorn@metronet.de
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>>>  Take a visit on the Internet - favourite URL's:   
TELE satellite:            http://www.TELE-satellit.com
Latest DX-Snapshots: http://www.sat-tv.com
Stefan Hagedorn:        http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/hagedorn

This piece of news is from sat-stefan-tab provided by TELE-satellit
(c) 1996 by editor

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