
Transponder NEWS Charts 46/96 (17.11.96)

TAB-Frequenztabellen, gesponsert von Europa's Sat-Magazin TELE satellite 	
- Ihr regelmaessiger Up-date Service fuer die europaischen Satelliten	
- a regular chart up-date service for all satellites in Europe			
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For the permisson of commercial utilization (for example reprints)
you send a eMail to:   Stefan Hagedorn, DXStefan@aol.com

Transponder NEWS Charts Ausgabe 46/96 - Stand 17.11.1996
Programm	Bemerkung	Date	QRG	Video	Audio
KOPERNIKUS DFS 1 FM3, 23,5 Grad Ost E					
RadioRopa Info	Abschaltung 	18.11.	12.625H	DSR	Kanal 14
Radio Melodie	Aufschaltung 	18.11.	12.625H	DSR	Kanal 14
ASTRA 1 A-F, 19,2 Grad Ost E					
Hessen 3  	Aufschaltung	1.1.98	Astra1C	PAL	7,02-7,20
BSkyB Trailer	sundays free	01.11.	11.567V	PAL	7,02-7,20
Bloomberg TV*	has started	15.11.	12.207V	MPEG2	digital
RTPI *       	has started	15.11.	11.739V	MPEG2	digital
PLS 1-9 *     	has started	16.11.	12.344H	MPEG2	digital
PLS A-C *    	has started	16.11.	12.344H	MPEG2	digital
DTS tele. test 	has started	15.11.	11.994H	MPEG2	digital
EUTELSAT II-F3, 16 Grad Ost E					
QTTV Quantum 	has started 	do mitt	11.576V	TV	6,60
Polonia 1   	has started 	24h	11.080H	TV	6,60
Thaiwave  	test-programm	variab	11.163H	TV	6,60
Canal+Polska	will cease  	??	11.617V	TV	6,60
EUTELSAT II-F1/Hot Bird 1, 13 Grad Ost E					
CLUB SERIE	has started 	13.11.	12.583V	MPEG2	digital
M 6 *          	has started	13.11.	12.583V	MPEG2	digital
TF 1 *         	2 times ceased	13.11.	12.583V	MPEG2	digital
RTL 7 Polska	will start     	07.12.	11.492V	PAL	6,60
Polonia 1    	must cease  	17.11.	11.492V	PAL	6,60
Rete 8 Network	will switch   	18.11.	11.007H	RADIO	??
Canal+Polska	will start     	??	11.515H	PAL	6,60
THOR, 0,8 Grad West W					
MTV Europe *	has ceased 	13.11.	12.092r	D2MAC	digital
FilmNet 1 *  	has started 	13.11.	12.092r	D2MAC	digital
INTELSAT 707, 1 Grad West W					
NOR 9 TOS 6	test-inserts	occas	11.003V	PAL	6,60
FilmNet 1 *   	has ceased 	13.11.	11.133V	D2MAC	digital
BBC Prime *  	has started	13.11.	11.133V	D2MAC	digital
AMOS 1, 4 Grad West W					
A-Television 	will cease 	12/96	11.388H	PAL	6,60
Digital package	will start     	12/96	11.388H	MPEG2	digital
ORION 1, 37,5 Grad West W					
APNA TV   	regular serv.	18-24h	12.666V	PAL	6,60

*  codiert/encrypted

Meldungen, Informationen & Anmerkungen senden Sie an folgende Adresse: 
For suggestions, information and questions please send a eMail to 
DXStefan@aol.com or Stefan.Hagedorn@metronet.de
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>>>  Take a visit on the Internet - favourite URL's:   
TELE satellite:            http://www.TELE-satellit.com
Latest DX-Snapshots: http://www.sat-tv.com
Stefan Hagedorn:        http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/hagedorn

This piece of news is from sat-stefan-tab provided by TELE-satellit
(c) 1996 by editor

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