Radio Italia in ADR.
Do any of you know why Radio Italia Solo musica has started using ADR
in the german TV channel SW3 ?
It's really strange...
...As Astra 1C doesn't cover all Italy, and there may be very few ADR
receivers in that country.
Regarding that radio-station, their sound sometimes carries 'analog'
as if it were received with a terrestrial FM tuner before uplinking it
to Astra.
Best regards.
\\ ~ ~ // _\\|//_ ,,,
(/ @ @ /) ( o-o ) (@ @)
| Enginyeria La Salle Jordi Puig |
| Universitat Ramon Llull \/ RedesTB |
| (Barcelona) || Email: j.puig@mx2.redestb.es |
| Email: si04145@els.url.es || |
| _________________/\__________________ |
| http://www.redestb.es/personal/j.puig |
| ADR at http://www.redestb.es/personal/j.puig/web/digital/adr.html |
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