
SATCO DX 960506 - flash

SATCO DX Satellite Chart is now very close of being world wide!

All the original locations of the digital TV channels on DBS 1/2/2 and
Echostar 1 have been added on several (for this chart) new satellites:
Spacenet 3R (S3), Galaxy 7 (G7), Galaxy 3R (G3), Galaxy 4 (G4), Satcom 4
(S4), Galaxy 5 (G5), Satcom C3 (C3), Galaxy 1R (G1) and Satcom C1 (C1)

Please take a look at the chart index for North/South America to get more
info about these satellites and to see where all these over 100(!) TV
channels are located.

Best Regards,
Christian Lyngemark                     Tel: +46-(0)42-29 11 72/74
Kummelgatan 162                         Fax: +46-(0)431-102 69
S-253 60  Helsingborg, Sweden           GSM: +46-(0)70-731 38 48
--- Private:                            --- SATCO DX:
lynge@bastad.se                         webmaster@satcodx.com
http://www.bastad.se/~lynge             http://www.satcodx.com/

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