SATCO DX - Updates 10-16 November
SATCO DX - Updates 10-16 November
This is a summary of the updates at SATCO DX last week.
More information and current satellite listings are available
on SATCO DX Satellite Chart at http://www.satcodx.com/
=== EUROPE: http://www.satcodx.com/chart1.shtml
--- Eutelsat II f3: http://www.satcodx.com/e2f3.html
Eros TV is testing on 11,575 V, PAL/clear, 01-05 CET, 6,50 MHz,
in French, wide beam. When they start regular transmissions,
they will be in D2-MAC/Eurocrypt S2.
--- Hot Bird 2: http://www.satcodx.com/hb2.html
Several chagnes in the D+ package, please see
http://www.satcodx.com/dig/telepiu.html for more details.
--- Hot Bird 3: http://www.satcodx.com/hb3.html
A Croatian/Slovene digital package started on 10 November
on 12,303 V, MPEG-2/clear, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, line-up:
TV: HRT TV 1/2/3, TV Sovenija 1/2
Radio: HR 1/2/3/KV, Radio Slovenija 1/2/3
--- Tele-X: http://www.satcodx.com/telex.html
TVS - Sportskanalen has left 12,637 L, and is now only
receivable on Intelsat 707 and Thor 2.
=== MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA: http://www.satcodx.com/chart1.shtml
--- Arabsat 2A: http://www.satcodx.com/arab2a.html
The 1st Net package on 12,685 H has moved to 12,605 H and
both 1st Net tps have new parameters: SR 27500, SR 3/4.
--- Intelsat 515 at 21.3W: http://www.satcodx.com/ik.html
The audio subcarrier for Tele Sahel on 3,914 R has switched
from SCPC to 6,60 MHz.
=== ASIA: http://www.satcodx.com/chart3.shtml
--- Koreasat 1/2: http://www.satcodx.com/korea.html
SBS is on 12,576 H, MPEG-2/clear, SR 3000, FEC 2/3.
--- Asiasat 2: http://www.satcodx.com/asia2.html
JSTV (new Chinese channel) has started on 3,827 V,
MPEG-2/clear, SR 4418, FEC 3/4.
--- Thaicom 3: http://www.satcodx.com/thai78.html
Footprint maps added for Thaicom 3's C band tps.
=== NORTH AMERICA: http://www.satcodx.com/chart2.shtml
--- Telstar 4: http://www.satcodx.com/t4.html
WTVX-TV (UPN affiliate from Fort Pierce in Florida)
has started on 3,720 V (T4-01), NTSC/clear.
--- Satcom C4: http://www.satcodx.com/sc4.html
PIN - Product Information Network has started on 3,800 V
(C4-05), NTSC/clear.
--- Satcom C1: http://www.satcodx.com/sc1.html
Network One has ceased on 3,920 H (C1-11).
=== SOUTH AMERICA: http://www.satcodx.com/chart2.shtml
--- PAS 3R/6 at 43W: http://www.satcodx.com/pas43.html
The Net-Sky packge has left PAS 3R and is now only on PAS 6.
All TV channels have changed internal numbering, see the
Net-Sky chart on http://www.satcodx.com/dig/netsky.html for
more information.
=== LIVE TV/radio transmissions on the web:
BBTV Channel 7 at http://www.ch7.ksc.net/
KHCB-FM at http://www.khcb.org/khcb2.ram
HRT TV 1 at http://www.hrt.hr/streams/htv1.ram
RTM Radio 1 at http://www.asiaconnect.com.my/rtm-net/radio1.ram
RTM Radio Muzik at http://www.asiaconnect.com.my/rtm-net/radio2.ram
RTM Radio 4 at http://www.asiaconnect.com.my/rtm-net/radio4.ram
RTM Radio 5 http://www.asiaconnect.com.my/rtm-net/radio5.ram
Radio Slovenija 1 at
Catalunya Radio at http://www.catradio.es/audio/dircatradio.ram
Catalunya Informacio at http://www.catradio.es/audio/dircatinfo.ram
Catalunya Musica at http://www.catradio.es/audio/dircatmusic.ram
RAC 105 at http://www.catradio.es/audio/dirrac.ram
HR 1 at http://www.hrt.hr/streams/hr1.ram
HR 2 at http://www.hrt.hr/streams/hr2.ram
HR 3 at http://www.hrt.hr/streams/hr3.ram
=== SATELLITE LAUNCHES: http://www.satcodx.com/launches.shtml
Sirius 2 and Cakrawarta 1 were finally successfully launched
with Ariane V102 on 12 November, after delayed due to too strong
winds on high altitude on both 10 and 11 November.
* Sirius 2: http://www.satcodx.com/sirius2.html
For more technical details, including the three footprints maps and
a complete transponder layout, please see the Satellite Launches
page and the new Sirius 2 chart.
Best Regards,
Christian Lyngemark SATCO DX Satellite Chart
Christian@Lyngemark.com webmaster@satcodx.com
http://www.lyngemark.com/ http://www.satcodx.com/
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