
SATCO DX - Updates 17-23 November

SATCO DX - Updates 17-23 November

This is a summary of the updates at SATCO DX last week.
More information and current satellite listings are available
on SATCO DX Satellite Chart at http://www.satcodx.com/

=== EUROPE:  http://www.satcodx.com/europe.shtml
--- Astra 1B:  http://www.satcodx.com/astra1b.shtml
ORB - Ostdeutscher Rundfunk Brandenburg has started on 11,656 V,
PAL/clear. There is a small text saying "Testbetrieb", but they
are (mainly) showing regular programming.

--- Hot Bird 1:  http://www.satcodx.com/hb1.shtml
Wereldomroep TV (Netherlands) has started on 11,283 V,
PAL/clear, 19-24 CET.

--- Tele-X:  http://www.satcodx.com/telex.shtml
Kanal 5 has left 12,476 L and switched to 12,207 L, due to a
transponder failure.

--- Sirius 2 at 5E:  http://www.satcodx.com/sirius2.shtml
After only 8.5 days in space, Sirius 2 started transmitting
already on 21 November! A new world record...?  :-)

Kanal 5 has started on 12,476 V, PAL/clear, but *can* be
interrupted any time between 00-17 for the next few weeks.

Please note that Kanal 5 is on Tele-X: 12,207 L and on Sirius 2:
12,476 V, from two different satellites at the same location.

--- Intelsat 707 at 1W:  http://www.satcodx.com/i707.shtml
TV 1 (Estonia) has started on 11,014 H, MPEG-2/clear.

=== ASIA:  http://www.satcodx.com/asia.shtml
--- Palapa C2:  http://www.satcodx.com/palapac2.shtml
Gujarat TV (India) has started on 3,800 H, PAL/clear,
02:30-16:30 UTC (08-22 New Delhi time).

--- Thaicom 3:  http://www.satcodx.com/thai78.shtml
Thai TV 5 Global Network has started on 3,600 H, NTSC.

--- PAS 4:  http://www.satcodx.com/pas4.shtml
ATN - Asia TV Network has returned on 4,155 H, PAL.

--- Arabsat 2A:  http://www.satcodx.com/arab2a.shtml
JSC - Al Jazeera Satellite Channel (Qatar) has started on
4,120 R, PAL.

=== NORTH AMERICA:  http://www.satcodx.com/america.shtml
--- Galaxy 6:  http://www.satcodx.com/g6.shtml
WTVX-TV has moved from Telstar 4: 3,720 V (T4-01) to
Galaxy 6: 4,040 H (G6-17), NTSC/clear.

--- GE 3:  http://www.satcodx.com/ge3.shtml
HTS Alternate has left 4,140 V (tp 22) and is now only on
Spacenet 3R.

--- Echostar 1/2:  http://www.satcodx.com/echo.shtml
Footprint maps added for these satellites.

=== SATELLITE LAUNCHES:  http://www.satcodx.com/launches.shtml
The launch of Astra 1G with Proton is now scheduled to 3 Dec.,
launch window: 23:10-23:20 UTC.

* How to get decimal PIDs?
  If your web browser can handle JavaScripts, just hold your
  mouse above the "V" or "A" close to the PIDs, and you will
  see the decimal PIDs in the lower left corner of your browser.

* The Astra chart has been changed/removed since it was far too big!
  It now only contains links to the six separate Astra charts,
  plus frequency and transponder ranges for all Astra satellites.
  The URL has also changed, from astra.html to astra1.shtml

* The satellite chart for all the satellites at 5 East has been
  renamed from "5east.html" to "sirius.shtml", after the arrival
  of Sirius 2 there.

* ALL satellite charts have changed extension from html to shtml.
  Re-direction messages are added on all satellite charts except
  the digital packages.

* The three regional chart indexes have changed names like this:
  chart1.shtml -> europe.shtml
  chart2.shtml -> america.shtml
  chart3.shtml -> asia.shtml

* Please update any direct links you might have to SATCO DX due
  to the recent URL changes.

* New SATCO DX records!
  On 18 Nov., the main page was visited 3.069 times and the European
  chart index 5.003 times! Both are new records for one single day!

Best Regards,
Christian Lyngemark                 SATCO DX Satellite Chart
Christian@Lyngemark.com             webmaster@satcodx.com
http://www.lyngemark.com/           http://www.satcodx.com/

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