
SAT-HUNGARY 31/01/97

SAT-HUNGARY  31/01/97


   The Hungarian law which regulates radio and television distributions
has provided a new situation for cable television networks. Until 31st of
December cable systems were able to distribute satellite television
programs without obtaining the rights from the program's owner. As of 1st
of January this year however they should sign a redistribution agreement
directly with the program's provider.

   Some channels has to go, beacuse they have not got the right to
broadcast is Hungary and some channels are leaving beacuse they were not
succesful in reaching an agreement - in most cases they are asking more
than a Hungarian cable system presently can afford.

   DSF (the German sport television), Super RTL (a German commercial
channel) and Italia 1 (one of Berlusconi's Italian channels) just a few
to disappear from Hungarian cable viewer's screens beacuse they are not
purchased the right to re-distribute their programs via Hungary's cable

   On the 1st of January NBC Super has left Budapest's "AM-mikro"
microwave redistrinution system, beacuse Antenna Hungaria was unable to
negotiate the right price. NBC has disappeared from several other cable
television networks as well in all around the country.

   The empty channels will soon be filled by either some new Hungarian
television programs or some other satellite channels like the French
Muzzik or others from different digital packages.

         Sat-Hungary's news service is also available on the Web,
             where you are able to read back issues as well:

SAT-HUNGARY  1997. januar 31.


    A radiozasrol es televiziozasrol szolo magyar torveny uj helyzet ele
allitotta a kabeltelevizios halozatokat. December 31-ig a kabeltelevizios
halozatok anelkul terjeszthettek a muholdas musorokat, hogy a jogokat a
musor tulajdonosatol megszereztek volna. Januar elsejetol azonban
kozvetlenul a musorszolgaltatoval kell terjesztesi szerzodest kotniuk.

    Nehany csatornanak tavoznia kell, mert azok nem rendelkeznek a
magyarorszagi tovabbitashoz szukseges jogokkal es nehany csatorna azert
tunik el, mert nem sikerult szerzodest kotniuk - a legtobb esetben azert,
mert tobbet kertek, mint amennyit egy magyar kabelhalozat jelenleg elbir.

    DSF (a nemet sportcsatorna), Super RTL (egy nemet kereskedelmi
televizio) es az Italia 1 (Berlusconi egyik olasz csatornaja) csak nehany
azon adasok kozul, melyek eltunnek a magyar kabeles nezok kepernyoirol,
mert ezek nem vasaroltak meg a magyarorszagi kabeltelevizios terjesztes

    Januar elsejen az NBC Super lekerult a budapesti "AM-mikro"
mikrohullamu elosztohalozatrol, mert az Antenna Hungaria nem tudott a
megfelelo arban megallapodni. Az NBC Super mas kabeltelevizios halozatbol
is eltunt szerte az orszagban.

    Az ures csatornakat hamarosan megtoltik ujabb magyar televizios
musorokkal, vagy mas muholdas csatornakkal, mint pl. a francia Muzzik,
ill. hasonlokkal kulonfele digitalis csomagokbol.

            A Sat-Hungary hirszolgalata elerheto a Weben is,
                  ahol regebbi hireket is olvashatnak:

                        FOR YOUR REFERENCE
Sat-Hungary is a mailing list with regular news from the Hungarian
satellite, television and cable industry. It is sponsored by
Tele-Satellit (http://www.Tele-Satellit.com).
A Sat-Hungary egy levelezesi lista rendszeres hirekkel a magyar
muholdas, televizios en kabeltelevizios szakmabol. A listat a
Tele-Satellit szponzoralja (http://www.Tele-Satellit.com).
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