
TSE logo


Thanks to KKN productions, a French multimedia design firm, TSE has now got
a logo! You can get it from http://www.tele-satellit.com/tse/tse.gif  You
are welcome to use it for any links or citations to TSE.

In the near future we plan to change all the icons in TSE into real
professional graphics. This should be the start of a mutation for TSE with
the addition of links to drawings and photos of satellites.

Jean-Philippe Donnio          jpdonnio@tags1.dn.net
TBS-satellite                 http://tags1.dn.net
The Satellite's Encyclopedia  http://www.TELE-satellit.com/tse/
NEW! TSE is online!           http://www.TELE-satellit.com/tse/online/

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