
Minor update


Last week I have updated the WWW edition of TSE... thus the data is a little
more recent than in TSE 0.34.001  It includes a few more launch vehicles, a
few more EIRP maps and additional information on the future launches/satellites.

I have started to collect URLs for the home pages of each satellite program
so that you can get extended details at a mouse clic. 

For those interested in satellite broadcasting, you will notice SATCO DX,
(http://www.satcodx.com) which maintains a detailed list of transponder
loading around the globe, has pointers to TSE. In return SATCO DX is my
recommended resource for transponder loading and you will find links to its
charts from the TSE fact sheets.

TSE online is also starting a picture library. Thus I am looking for images
(JPG format) of each satellite. If you have any tips, please send me a note!
You can also upload images to ftp.tele-satellit.com in the incoming
directory... but don't forget to send me a mail to explain what the image shows!

Last thing: thanks to Will Cooper I now have the solution to the hidden
pages in TSE with Windows 95:

>Edit your WIN.INI file. Search for the [WINDOWS HELP] section and add a line
>with <<SeqTopicsKeys=1>>. (You may have to add the [Windows Help] section

Once this is done, restart your Winhelp program and try the CTRL + SHIFT +

Anyway I am not using hidden pages anymore in the 0.34 version, but you
might find it useful (I do!) to browse the pages physically.

All the best,
Jean-Philippe Donnio          jpdonnio@tags1.dn.net
TBS-satellite                 http://tags1.dn.net
The Satellite's Encyclopedia  http://www.TELE-satellit.com/tse/
NEW! TSE is online!           http://www.TELE-satellit.com/tse/online/

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